
A developer's braindump

setting up an angular dev-build-test environment : part 1

This post is part of a series that documents the setup of a complete development environment for developing robust angular apps or libraries.

In this post and subsequent, I will document how to set up a development environment to create an angular module which I called angular toolkit and that can be found here :  angular-toolkit

angular-toolkit will be a module where I will put the common patterns and services that we need in every angular application like logging, notification, authentication, dataservice ...

To develop it, I choose the following:

Code editor : brackets.io

Continuous integration with Travis CI

build automation with gulp

Testing with jasmine an karma

Required software

In this post I will focus on installing the required software for development. brackets, node and gulp


to install brackets.io, just go to http://brackets.io/, and download latest version (you can install it with or without extract by adobe, I did it without).

once downloaded, just click the msi, I followed the default install folder.

I also added some extensions like :

beautify , code folding , brackets git and Minimap

To add these, click on the extension manager


and search for the ones you like, then click install



To install nodejs, go to nodejs web site. download the install (click the install button in the middle of the screen) and then click the msi. The installer will add node and npm to your path



Bower is a package manager for javascript client libraries. We will use it to install the "bower_components" our app will rely on.

to install it, we use npm(a javascript package manager which is installed with node, like nuget for .net libraries). open a command prompt as admin and type :

npm install -g bower


gulp is an automated build tool (think of ant for java or nant, msbuild for .net "alike"). to install it type this command on an admin command prompt

npm install -g gulp

Ok Ready Go

check environment


Ok now that we have all our tools installed we can start with  build script to automate code analysis,  css automating processing , test automation and deployments. That's for a next post.

Create the project

create a folder in the place of your choice. The folder will contain the github project angular-toolkit (example: C:_temp\GitHub).

Go to angular-toolkit github repository  and copy the url for clonning


open a command prompt with admin rights and go tothe folder you created earlier : (C:_temp\GitHub\ in my case) then enter the following command :

git clone https://github.com/CedricDumont/angular-toolkit.git


The project is now cloned on your machine

Next: /2015/03/17/selfhosted-identityserver-v3-and-webapi-running-in-the-same-process/
Prev: /2015/02/03/using-signalr-and-angularjs-together/