This post is a list of my OSS process for open source java projects.
for CI integrations, I use Travis CI, easy to set up and link to github. just add a.travis.yml with the content below and your done (I am using maven and provide a pom.xml). pushing to githubwill start the build.
language: java
- oraclejdk8
I just list the steps. read this for more info : OSSRH Guide
create a sonatype jira account and create a new project ticket. (it takes about two budiness days, but for my project, it was done in one day)
create a pgp signature : dealing with PGP signatures
update your pom.xml to contain all the requirements
login to and get your account key (in your profile, access user account key
add your user account key in your maven settings.xml (so that your password is not hardcoded.
first release with mvn clean deploy -P release if you have created a release profile in yourpom.xml
add a comment on your jira issue to activate the sync process to the Central Repository
Deploy Snapshots with
mvn clean deploy
snapshots will be liste here
Release With
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=x.x.x mvn clean deploy -P release
to see if the release was accepted you can login to here and check if you have sthg in your staging reprositories or searhc on your artifacts, or check here